
After border crossing “shortcut” leads us down mud road and crossing mud rivers on “ferries”. Hotel town, have to step over family watching tv in lobby.

Meet Brett, the ultra flake from Colorado, taking yoga courses and out of tire patches. A goat eats my bananas from my hand.

Eating pineapple outside Katmandu.

Eating pineapple outside Katmandu.

A rough day for me. Totally bonked early on. Spend all day climbing and spinning in first gear. Collapse at the Pooja Guesthouse, rec by Jeff, the Scotsman.

Bike just enough to test new drive train and get out of town. Immediately leaving town cuisine regresses. Dine at Snowview hotel with two Gemman sisters.

Road worsens after 50 km of unexpected downhill. Rest of the day regaining it on marginal to poor dirt and mud.